Repeat Ad Nauseum
So Abby's cough is still with her. I've gotten used to the routine. She gets fussy. I feed her. She feels better. She starts coughing. She brings up everything she just ate. We change our clothes. She feels better. She gets fussy. She sleeps. She eats. She coughs. She pukes. She gets a bath. She sleeps.
Last night was really bad. Like, back to when she was born bad. She fell asleep at 10:30pm (1 1/2 hrs before she normally does). She woke up at 12:30am. It wasn't the fact that she woke up (I was anticipating it) but I was exhausted. I was not that exhausted since we brought her back from the hospital. I think at one point I might have fallen asleep in the rocking chair. I put her back int he crib and crawl into bed. I would shut my eyes and she started crying. Stumble, stumble back into her room. Feed and change, almost doze off and finally she fell asleep. Back in the crib, back into bed. Cry. Stumble, stumble. It lasted at least an hour, maybe more. It got to the point where I just stayed in bed listening to her cry hoping against hope she would fall asleep. No such luck. But eventually she did sleep for more than two minutes. She got up around 8:30am. Mornings are usually her good time. She's happy and giggly and rolls around on the floor. No today. She cried and needed snuggles and even then she wasn't comfortable. So what did I do? I fed her. She felt better. She coughed...well, you know what happened next. Let's just say it's a good thing it was laundry day today. She managed a good nap in the morning (I did not) and woke up a bit better. She got another meal (no puking) and fell right back asleep (this time so did I). Now we are much better. She was giggling and wiggling on the floor and I got dressed. I'm still a mite tired but definitely better now. She is currently napping again. I gave her some Tylenol in the morning so that is contributing to her napping. I hope she starts to feel better. This isn't any fun for anyone.
Last night was really bad. Like, back to when she was born bad. She fell asleep at 10:30pm (1 1/2 hrs before she normally does). She woke up at 12:30am. It wasn't the fact that she woke up (I was anticipating it) but I was exhausted. I was not that exhausted since we brought her back from the hospital. I think at one point I might have fallen asleep in the rocking chair. I put her back int he crib and crawl into bed. I would shut my eyes and she started crying. Stumble, stumble back into her room. Feed and change, almost doze off and finally she fell asleep. Back in the crib, back into bed. Cry. Stumble, stumble. It lasted at least an hour, maybe more. It got to the point where I just stayed in bed listening to her cry hoping against hope she would fall asleep. No such luck. But eventually she did sleep for more than two minutes. She got up around 8:30am. Mornings are usually her good time. She's happy and giggly and rolls around on the floor. No today. She cried and needed snuggles and even then she wasn't comfortable. So what did I do? I fed her. She felt better. She coughed...well, you know what happened next. Let's just say it's a good thing it was laundry day today. She managed a good nap in the morning (I did not) and woke up a bit better. She got another meal (no puking) and fell right back asleep (this time so did I). Now we are much better. She was giggling and wiggling on the floor and I got dressed. I'm still a mite tired but definitely better now. She is currently napping again. I gave her some Tylenol in the morning so that is contributing to her napping. I hope she starts to feel better. This isn't any fun for anyone.