Drive-In Fun

Why does something strange always happen to us when we go to the Drive-In? It seemed right this time. We were early (the first ones there), we took the car and we even brought popcorn and a Coke. We met a family behind us in line from Swan River and chatted with them until we drove in. It was going great. It was a double feature My Super Ex-Girlfriend and John Tucker Must Die. (Movie Review to follow) Okay, so we're watching the movie, eating popcorn, having a great time. We notice the windshield getting a tad foggy so we turn on the fan. No problem. Then almost at the end of the movie, the sound starts to get dimmer and dimmer. So we turn it up but soon it's gone. No one else seems to mind. Then we decide to shut off the fan and just leave the car in the start position. Well, that fixes it, we get sound back. So now the movie is over. Oh, I forgot to mention the Northern Lights. They were amazing. I couldn't watch the movie for a bit. They were so bright, and they were dancing. They were the yellowish-green lights. I can't wait fore winter to see them in different colours. Okay, back to the show.

It's intermission so Mark decided to start the car. Well, it doesn't start. Nothing. No click, no trying to start. Nothing. The battery is completely dead. So we got out and looked for some jumper cables. But of course, I don't have any in the car, why would I put something so foolish as bumper cables in the car. Come to think of it, I don't think we even own a pair. Something we look into. Anyway, We saw Al drive in while we were waiting for the movie to start, so we go to look for him. We know what he drives but it's pitch black outside. Great for a movie but bad when you're trying to find someone. But we did, or rather, he did. We were wandering around and I could hear someone yelling out Mark's name. Then we were blinded by headlights. So we walk over and saw hi. He doesn't have cables but he thinks his parents parked beside him do and he'll make sure they gets to us before he leaves. So fine, we go back to the car certain that the radio will at least work. Nope. And when Mark tries the car again, it makes a weird, and scary clicking noise. the worse part about it is that it makes all the lights flash and it continues even after Mark took the key out. The car went insane. So we didn't so that again. We went back to Al to see if he could get that cable now. Well, he looks in their trunk, but no luck. Oh well, the concession has some, we'll go there. So wait until the rush is over and the girl brings out one of those Canadian Tire Energizer battery start up thingy. So it's not working. The car just does does that clicking think again. So we read the instructions. Click. So she gets her boss. He comes over and tells us that you have to turn it on. The switch on the side, not the switch on the front, is the one switch. So sure enough, the car roars to life. Well, maybe not a roar but it started. So we watched the rest of the movie. We missed about five minutes, but I don't think we missed any valuable plot lines. So anyway, the movie continued with no incident. We let the car run for awhile and started in every once and a while with no problem. The car doesn't shine the lights unless you are in gear so it was fine to start it and we didn't bother anyone. Yeah!

So when the movie ended, Al drove over and checked to see if we were okay. We were and we all went home to a good nights sleep. This place really needs a real theatre. If only to stop us from having strange adventures.

My Super Ex-Girlfriend: Better than I thought. The friend of the main guy made it. It's how they treat the superhero that got me. She's a superhero but in a comedy so there is that change in how the public feels about her. She's great cuz she saves people but they don't take her too seriously. It was a good movie. Not deep with no message but if entertainment is your own concern, this would be an excellent choice. (*** out of five)

John Tucker Must Die: I suppose if you have the intelligence of this character you might like the movie. It's funny in parts but the sweetness of the main girl gets annoying and John is just confusingly stupid. As is the ending. I'm not sure, Mark and I talked about this last night and we still haven't figured it out. I guess the movie says it's bad to lie but we all lie so don't get so mad when people lie to you cuz you lie too. And don't manipulate unless you have a point, and even then it's bad, except maybe a bit less. And if you are going to play around on your girlfriend, tell them all about it. As long as you are upfront, feel free to cheat. What a load of crap. ( out of five)

Okay, so our friend the ardent Bomber fan went to the Labour Day Classic. I can't wait to see her again! We always tease each other, this is going to be great!

Toe update: I can wiggle it a lot more today. Shoes are still a bit of a problem. Walking in bare feet has improved but with the shoes, it still hurts. The colour has deepened into a nice maroon. Swelling is down.


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