Lunch Date

Mark just dropped me off. He came home a bit early for lunch and told me to get my jacket, we're leaving. So we jumped into the truck and went to Chicken Chef for lunch. I'm quite full right now. Anyway, the food was good. He was driving me home and the radio said that there is a chance of frost tonight. My first thought was to cover the blueberries so they don't all die. Mark laughed but I'm only half kidding. I don't want them to die just yet. Next week fine, but not yet.

I let out Dee Dee when I got home. Almost right after she went out, the neighbour dog, Cujo (the terror that poops wherever he wants) ran over. Now Deeds is usually territorial but she has always been friendly to Cujo. Well, when he ran up I waved the leash at him so he'd leave (he's miniature pincher so it's not like he's big and scary) and I guess Dee Dee realized that I don't want him here or her territorial instincts came out cuz when I looked how she was reacting to Cujo's appearance, her head was near the ground and her tail straight up and her hackles were raised. I didn't even know she had hackles. It was awesome. I'm not sure, but I think she was even growling softly. Cujo took off like a shot and didn't come back. I gave Deeds a milk bone and a belly rub.


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