Well, I guess we have insulation

Whew, that was weird. Mark had a Union meeting tonight so he left just before 5:30. He told me that it had better not be too long cuz he was going fishing with Richard and Bill and they were coming to pick him up at 6:45. So it's getting late and he's still not home. I'm downstairs watching the baseball game. I'm wondering where he is. Then I see a beige truck drive by and pull in the driveway, it was actually parked kinda in the back alley, I figured he was in a rush and didn't park very well. But then no one comes in. I go take a better look and it's not Mark's truck. So I go back to the game. Then I hear pounding and Deeds gets excited. So I run up and check the door, no one. But I can hear voices but there's kids outside so I figure it's them. Then I see two men walking around in front of the house. It took a second but I finally realized that it was Richard and Bill. So I go out and talk with them. They said they had been pounding on the walls but no one answered so they thought I went to the meeting with Mark. So we talked a bit about the house. They were curious where the truck hit and if it actually moved the entire house. I showed them approximately where it hit and that it only took out the pony wall. I told them that it had shifted the house cuz the windows had to be replaced cuz they wouldn't open. I guess housing prices soared just after we moved. Must have leaked word that two such awesome people moved to town that we caused a buying spree. Or the mine had a great year and was handing out bonuses like they were post-its. Take your pick. Anyway, now houses are way more expensive and we got a great deal especially because the house is new, has new siding with no maintenance and the windows are the new fangled ones with metal that, again, doesn't need maintenance. This is good. I didn't realize that you had to maintain windows and siding. This is what becomes of a person after living in an apartment for so long. I can't image shoveling snow. But then again, that's Mark's job so I won't have to anyway. Oh, and Halloween, we need to buy candy for the first time ever.

So back to my original train of thought....Mark is gone fishing now. He pulled in as Richard was explaining the windows and how they fit. It was funny because how Richard parked the truck, it was almost in the way for Mark to park. I say almost because Mark has never backed down from tough parking. Sure enough, he slipped in there like nothing. I guess driving tractors and grain trucks does prepare you for driving a half ton. I need to get me a grain truck. Maybe then I'll be able to parallel park with some confidence.

So good luck to them. Hope you catch some fish and have a few laughs. And when you come home, I'll promise to let you in and not leave you out in the cold pounding the walls.


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