Aren't Mood Swings Great

Last night I woke up at 3:00am from a nightmare. I don't remember all of it, but it ended with me at my computer and there was someone else in the room. A picture came up on the MSN website and I realized that it was something really bad and I had to make sure this person didn't see it. So I reached over to cover it or to change the page. That's when someone or something grabbed me. I bolted awake freaking out. It wasn't that I was so afraid, but my heart was pumping so hard and I felt really freaked out. Mark managed to get me calmed down but that's when I realized that I had rolled over in bed really easily. I haven't rolled over with such ease in months. So I started freaking out again. The baby hadn't moved in awhile. So frantically, I'm poking and doing everything I can think of to get it to move. After what seems like an eternity (probably 5 seconds), it starts moving. You'd think that would make me relaxed. But no, after awhile it went back asleep so I woke it up again and I could not relax until it was kicking with a lot of force and continuously. I haven't been this scared about the baby. All I could think of was that everything had gone so perfect and now something terrible happened at the last minute. I knew I had to go to the hospital today for another NST so I convinced myself that they would be able to help if there was something seriously wrong. After about an hour, I fell back asleep.

Last night I was sure that I was going to wake up and feeling crappy. Turns out I was wrong. I was in a good mood - even after the above mentioned episode. I felt really good, happy and energetic. I was hungry and had a nice breakfast. I went to the hospital at 9:00am for my NST. Another great strip! Baby is happy and a few contractions. She seemed to want me to stay and see if the contractions were leading anywhere but once I told her that this is has been going on for some time and that they don't hurt, she said I could go and wait it out at home and come back once they really got going. But it could be the start of something. Yeah, I know, I've heard that for three weeks. My kid is stubborn. I hope this doesn't continue once it's born. I'm going to have a strong-willed, active wiggly baby who is not afraid to let you know exactly what it is thinking in very loud ways.

So hopefully this good mood lasts most of the day. Mark is going fishing tonight. It's the first time all year he gets to go trout fishing so I hope I don't go into labour now! My sister called this morning when I was at the hospital so I think I'll give her a call either this afternoon or tonight. I thought about going for a walk since I feel so good and the weather is beautiful but walking from the hospital to my car wore me out, so I don't think I'll chance it. Maybe I'll just go outside but not very far. Besides, it's bear season and I don't want to run into a hungry bear today.

They've gone too far:


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