The Cutest Of All
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Okay, now for the daily update...
Last night I was making my list of things I wanted to do today. Mark got a hold of the list and wrote Go into Labour. Well, not today. I had my doctor's appointment. Everything is going fine. He said tonight I'm supposed to lie down and count the number of movements in a space of 2 hours. If I count 10 movements, everything is fine. Well, after supper, I started to count. I got to 10 within a minute. So I told Mark what the doctor said. Mark said more than 10 movements must mean the baby has ADD. Oh dear. The baby is still a bit high but I've got a few weeks to go yet. (sorry Mark). I've said since the very beginning it will be on the 12th. But as long as I can get through the work week, I'll be happy. And I'll be even happier if it's after Tuesday since I've made appointments to get my hair cut and a pedicure. I've only had one pedicure in my life so I thought I was due. Plus, all the baby books say you are supposed to treat yourself in the last weeks of pregnancy. And I need a mom hair cut. Then later that afternoon, I have another doctor's appointment. Then he can say, oh my, you are in labour, off to the hospital with you. Mind you, I'd rather give birth on a Friday so Mark can have the weekend with us, but I don't think he would mind at this stage if it came early.
I've been pretty lucky with my stretch marks. They came fairly late and aren't too bad. My tummy actually looks like a spider web. I've started to refer to myself as one of the Care Bears. All the Care Bears had cute pictures on their big tummies and I've got a picture on mine now too. Every once and awhile when I get depressed about the stretch marks, I do the Care Bear stare in my mirror. It tends to cheer me up a bit. It's hard to be depressed when you're a Care Bear. Well, unless you're Grumpy Bear.