Thursday, September 25, 2008 Part II

I realized that I should probably update this so no one thinks I'm still wallowing. I'm feeling a lot better now. After Mark got home from work, we talked it all through and I told him all that happened. I realized it really isn't that big of a deal and nothing to get worked up about.

(Shoot, I just swallowed my Jolly Rancher. It was grape too. Bummer.)

So yes, I'm feeling okay. It doesn't matter what doctor delivers the baby. Chances are I won't even notice the difference. And I want it to all happen natural anyway so good. And if it does take until Monday, then I will have given up on any kind of principles I might have now and beg for any and all drugs available in the modern world. I think the best part is that now Mark can know what days to take off. He's got Monday and Tuesday for sure because no matter what, he'll need those days. If the baby comes tonight, he can phone in the morning to get Friday. If it doesn't come Friday, he can tell them on Monday that he'll need Wednesday too. And I can let my mom know when to come too. Well, within a few days. So I'm feeling a lot more settled about the whole thing. I can relax for the next few days because I know it really is any day now.

I was checking out the calender. Sept 29th is the New Moon. That's kinda neat. And the 30th is Rosh Hashanah which I just Googled. It's the Jewish New Year. It commemorates the creation of man. But it's supposed to be a day of rest so maybe I should have the baby before that. But then again, I'm not Jewish. And that's not to say the 26th, 27th or 28th aren't nice days too. Any day is fine by me. Seriously Baby, did you hear that? Any time now. I know you are nice and warm and comfy swimming around but the pool is closing.

Well, anyway, I'm glad I'm feeling better. Being in that funk was not fun. I'll probably be like this tomorrow but at least I know now that it will lift. Whether it's after lunch or after supper, I'll feel better. Just gotta listen to more Brad Paisley and get Mark home sooner.

I miss my Jolly Rancher.


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