Well Whaddya Know!
Okay, well my doctor's appointment went slightly different than usual. I'll start at the beginning. I walked into the clinic and was about to say my name to check in but the nurse said "Hi Emily, you can have a seat." I guess when you go more than once a week, they get to know you. So I did the regular, get weighed - good, pee in a cup (boy am I getting good at that), get blood pressure taken - good. Then back to the waiting room and back to the article in MacLean's I was reading - boring. Then I got called to see the doctor. I told him about the one painful contraction I had last night but after I said it wasn't long and it was the only one of the night, he didn't pursue it. baby's heartbeat is still good and still in good position. Then he checked me out. I'm still 1 cm but I'm definitely softer and thinner so he's encouraged. I'll be encouraged when I'm 10 cm and pushing. Now for the usual part. He's going away for the weekend - not unusual, keep reading - he doesn't know if there is going to be a replacement who delivers babies. So if there isn't, he wants to induce me on Thursday. If there is a replacement then we'll just go as normal. I told him I would really rather not be induced and he said as long as there was a doctor and everything was still going well then he wouldn't do anything. It sounds like he doesn't want to induce either but he doesn't want to leave me without a qualified doctor in case I do go into labour this weekend. I have another NST on Wednesday and another appointment Thursday. I guess that's when we'll know what will happen for the weekend.
But that was a bit of a shock. I mean, I could still go into labour naturally before that and not have to worry. But this could be the last week I;m pregnant. All my complaining could soon be over and the blogs that have been full of waiting for the baby will be full of said baby's antics. Maybe I should change the title of my blog from Pathetic Ramblings to Baby Blog.
Because I am so late in the pregnancy, the doctor needs to see me quite frequently. I have become a bit of a challenge for the appointment desk. It takes a couple weeks to get an appointment with my doctor and when he wants to see within the week, it makes their job really difficult. It was like this last time too, I went to the desk to make an appointment and I had a specific date that the doctor gave me that he wants to see me again. So it's not like I am being demanding and want this date. So when I told her that I needed to make an appointment for Thursday, she got that funny smile on her face that just screamed there is no more room, why does he do this! So she's focused on the computer screen trying to add extra time to the day and I tell her that with any luck, I'll be cancelling anyway. She laughed. It broke up the tension and I felt better about adding to her stress. Plus, I try to be a good patient. I'm always early and I don't take very long. I was scheduled for 2:00 and I was back in the car at 2:08.
I made a video of my belly. My friend wanted a picture of my belly with the legs sticking out but I didn't think it would work with a still camera so I got out the video camera and I caught a bit of movement. Not as much as before but I got a bit. A soon as I figure out how to edit it down and put it on my blog, I'll have some weird video for you all.