Past Overdue
I can now officially begin complaining. I am one day overdue and none too pleased. Any twinge in my abdomen is now met with a withering look. Every tightening is ignored with venom. Unless I'm doubled over in pain then I'm not letting myself believe I'm in labour. The last two nights I have gone to bed thinking that I would wake up in the middle of night in full contractions and need to race to the hospital. And every night I wake up alright...several times to go pee and then sleep until morning. Mark is doing a lot more around the house. I think he's starting to get scared of me. I haven't exactly been a cheerful person lately. I'm a bit on the hormonal side. I haven't yelled or anything like that, just quite sad and lethargic. I've been having a bath nearly everyday since it seems to help the aches and stretching and irrational emotions gone wild.
It's not that I want to be induced because I don't. And if doctor suggested it tomorrow I would probably say no. So far it's not like the baby is in any danger. It seems perfectly happy to spin around and kick me with all its might. And all NST and exams are showing the baby is healthy and getting ready. So it's not like the child has to come right away. But I'm getting more cranky by the day and more sore and uncomfortable. You should have seen my stomach this afternoon. It decided to have soccer practice. I could see feet sticking out of me. I could feel legs as they past across my stomach. I could almost count the toes. Okay, that last one was an exaggeration but I seriously underestimated how strong babies are. But I am glad I quit work when I did. I thought I was uncomfortable and irritable then. Ha!
It's not that I want to be induced because I don't. And if doctor suggested it tomorrow I would probably say no. So far it's not like the baby is in any danger. It seems perfectly happy to spin around and kick me with all its might. And all NST and exams are showing the baby is healthy and getting ready. So it's not like the child has to come right away. But I'm getting more cranky by the day and more sore and uncomfortable. You should have seen my stomach this afternoon. It decided to have soccer practice. I could see feet sticking out of me. I could feel legs as they past across my stomach. I could almost count the toes. Okay, that last one was an exaggeration but I seriously underestimated how strong babies are. But I am glad I quit work when I did. I thought I was uncomfortable and irritable then. Ha!