Tomorrow is Another Day

Nope, not today.

This morning we woke up and decided to see if we moved the car seat to the middle seat then we could move the passenger seat up more. When, it works but then you have to reach in so far to get the car seat in. The truck is really tall so it's almost impossible putting in an empty car seat into middle seat. Imagining putting in a car seat with a baby in it was too much. We moved it back behind the passenger seat then adjusted the front seat so it's more upright. It gained us another click and now it's right where I would have put it anyway. It's a little snug for Mark so if we go on any long trips, he'd sit in the back with baby. But for rides around town it's fine for the both of us. So good. One thing done.

Then since it was such a nice morning, a bit of a chill, we took the dog for a long walk around the neighbourhood. By the time we got back, I was exhausted. We had a few errands to run uptown so we did that. The rest of the day for pretty lazy. With the DVR player, we can record shows all day and night so we have something to watch when there's nothing on. Like right now...Mark just called and he's going to watch some show so I'm going to go now.


Jen said…
Here's hoping your baby arrives soon!

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