Giller Group

The Giller Prize was handed out earlier this week. It honours the best in Canadian Literature. I decided to read the winner's book: "Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures" by Vincent Lam. So far it's pretty good. So now I've decided to read all the winner's books. The prize was first given out in 1994 so I'll have some reading to do. I've been having trouble picking out books at the library so I think this will be a good exercise. Sometimes I miss school. Not the grades, but the constant learning and discussing idea. I don't even mind the papers so much. At least I was doing something. Maybe this will motivate me to continue my writing. I've been slacking . I don't have the drive anymore. I'll write a paragraph and then stop caring. I always get inspired by other writers especially those who have won recognition. So this way be the kick in the pants I need.

P.S. Happy Anniversary to my parents!


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