Lite Party

I just came home from my first PartyLite party. A lady from the Alliance church called me a few days ago and invited me. I didn't think I was going to go because there is always that feeling that you need to buy something and their stuff is so expensive. Nice, but pricey. But I decided I would go because it would be a nice outing and I can't sit in my basement and be a hermit. (See Tara, I can change.) So I got there and had a coffee, perused the catalogues then listened to the presentation. It was really short. Here are the candles, let me know what you want. So I spent the rest of the evening drinking coffee, looking at the catalogue, eating the treats and pretending to figure out what I was going to buy. There were a few things that interested me but I couldn't justify spending that much for so little and not using it very often. I actually think there was one that I could have used all year and not gotten sick of and not break the bank but then I thought about the closet in my house that holds all the other candles I have bought over the years. I love getting candles as gifts because it is not something I would buy for myself. So anyway, that was my evening. I was invited to another party. This one is selling the spices to make dips. I don't think I'll go, although I would be able to test out a bunch of dips. But then again, another evening of sitting uncomfortably around pretending to buy when I know I'm never going to. Oh well.

We have the Sirius Satellite radio for the truck and now they came out with a service that is over the Internet. It's the same programming, but on the computer. So now I'm listening to the Bluegrass station. It's really nice, because I would otherwise be listening to the bluegrass I have downloaded and not hear anything new. And no commercials. There are other stations too, but really, when you have a fiddle, banjo and mandolin, what else do you need? This station is the reason I let Mark buy the radio. He told me I could listen to it on our trip down South. Little did I know that was the only time he would let me listen to it! He doesn't understand the beauty of the banjo. One day. No, he listens to the bluegrass station more than I thought he would. And he did compliment one fiddle solo that we heard. We listened to while driving to church last Sunday. Bluegrass spirituals just seemed a little more appropriate than Black Sabbath. I don't mind AC/DC and I was impressed with the opening of one Van Halen song. However, I still prefer the bluegrass music. To each his own. or her own.


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