I Will Cut You!!

I’m not a violent person, really I’m not. I hate conflict and I avoid confrontations. But there is one thing that turns me into a crazy rage-induced madwoman. People who chew gum with their mouths open!!

I’m sitting here in the rink, watching my daughter at her curling practice and the lady next to me keeps smacking her gum! She can’t keep her mouth closed! There’s another person on the other side of the rink chewing gum too. How do I know this? I can hear them popping their gum!! It’s insane!!

And the worst is that they’re teaching their kids to do this, who in turn do it, and then teach their kids to do this. It’s a never ending cycle of non-stop annoyance!! Aaaahhhhhh!!!

Just stop! You look like an idiot and you sound even worse.

Rant over.


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