Soggy Doggy

This is Hera. She is a one year old Morkie. Being a Morkie, she has hair, not fur. So she doesn’t shed and we have to brush her more often. She’s also tiny!! Her father was a Yorkie and on the small size. She definitely takes after him. 

However, every once and awhile, she has to have a bath. And that’s when we can see just how tiny she really is!! All that fur makes her a lot more fluffy. 

At first she hated her baths but now she tolerates them pretty well. I don’t think she loves it but she doesn’t try and climb out of the sink anymore. 

She got a bath today but before she was completely dry she had to go outside. It’s so cold and windy out I didn’t really want her to go out. But she needed to. So we took one one my husband’s socks that he never wears and cut it to make a sweater. He cut a couple holes for her legs and she was good to go. 


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