I live on an acreage. It’s not too far from town but far enough that it feels like we’re living in the country.
Every once and awhile, we see wildlife. Usually a deer or a couple rabbits. The occasional hawk or owl and a bunch of mice. I’ve even seen a moose and there was a family of foxes that lived here a couple years ago but have since moved out. And then there are the coyotes.
They tend to stay far away but I have seen them around. A few weeks back I saw one running through the next field. Then I saw two jogging in the field across the road.
A couple nights ago, I heard them. They were so loud!! Sounded like they were right outside the window. My husband said that their voices can travel really well and not to worry. So I went back to bed.
I was taking my dog for a walk today. She’s a morkie - around 4 lbs the last time she was weighed. There were a few tracks around the dumpster which is about 200 feet from the house and a large poop that did not belong to my tiny dog.
And then later today, I finally put all the Christmas decorations back into our storage container around
250-300 feet from the house. There were a few more interesting tracks.
Now, these could all belong to a large dog. A few neighbours do have large dogs and sometimes they wander. But judging from the tracks and the howling I heard the other night, I’m pretty sure I know what it is.