New Year’s Resolution

There’s a lot to be grateful for this year. And I’m hoping this will be a year of stability. Last year started in our brand new house.

This year year we are well established and have an entire year under our belts.

Last spring, we got our puppy, Hera.

She has adjusted nicely and is a wonderful addition to the family.

This year I begin a new job. One that I hope to grow and develop in. One that hopefully will have a future. My last job, while fun and exciting at moments, wasn’t something I could see myself doing for the next 20 or so years. I liked the writing, I liked meeting new people and getting the information, but I started to see the cracks beneath the surface and became a little too cynical for. Y liking.

I know this new job will not be perfect and I’m starting to doubt that line that we’d given when we were younger that everyone has that “dream job” that they were meant to do. But I will do my best and hopefully I will get something great out of this job.

I don’t know what this year will hold. I don’t know if I will continue this blog on a regular basis. I don’t know how my new job will go, but here we go anyway...

As for my resolutions...
Get back into writing
Read on a more regular basis
Start playing music again
Eat more veggies
Get more exercise
Stop worrying about the future

If you want to follow me...I’m on Twitter @PatheticRambler


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