Running Ragged
Sometimes it feels like I never stop. Between work and two kids in different activitfies, there’s hardly an evening I’m not going somewhere. And there’s really no end in sight. Except for summer when all the activities are over.
This week is what my week is:
Monday: take I to Sparks, and A to Taekwondo. Pick up I then pick up A
Tuesday: take A to curling
Wednesday: take A to Guides
Thursday: take both to Taekwondo
Friday: A going to a curling clinic
Saturday: Taekwondo testing for A
Plus school work. A has a science test tomorrow that we studied for on the way to curling. And since she tests for her blue stripe in Taekwondo on Saturday, she should be studying. She also has a whole workbook the teacher wants returned right away. Yeah, sure.
It’s not like my kids are in that many things. There are families out there that do a lot lore than me. I don’t know how they manage!! After Saturday, A won’t be in Taekwondo anymore but it still means me driving around four nights a week.
Oh but what’s the use of complaining. I want the kids to be involved and I am happy to see them at all their activities. I wouldn’t give that up. Hopefully once I settle in better at work I won’t feel so run down. And maybe one of these days my cold will finally go away. Until then, I’ll just have to wait for summer.