Too Little, Too Late

She loves Taekwondo. She wants to learn everything right now. 

The first session is Over now and the next session starts next week. She’s in the minis class right now and watches her sister in the next class do so much more than her class learns. She thought in the next session she would be in the higher class and she was so disappointed to learn that she’d be in this class for the rest of the year and next year too. Kids have to be 8 years old to be in the first class and she’s only turning 7 this spring. 

I know the rules are there for a reason and I respect that. I’m not going to try and make an exception for her. She’s too young and too physically small to be in the next class. It just bums me out cuz she wants to move up so bad. And I don’t want her to get discouraged and bored.  Maybe now that she’s in the next session they’ll kick it up a bit and she’ll keep having the time of her life! 


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