A funny thing happened on the way to the theatre
Yes, we went to Click last night and yes, it was a good show. We almost missed it though. We left in plenty of time, we took the truck so we could see better and to try it out. Well, when we got there, we remembered that the truck has a little problem. You know how in most cars, you turn the key backwards to get only the radio. Yeah, the truck doesn't have that. The only way to have the radio on is to put the key to the start position. And then the lights come on. We were still in line so we backed up and drove home. We thought we might have a chance to get back in time and may or may not get a good spot. Anyway, we made it home, switched vehicles and drove back. On the way home, there were a lot of cars leaving the city and of course we both thought that they were all heading to the drive-in. Well, when we got back, there was a huge line up, but it went fast and lo and behold, we found a spot right in front. We had lots of time before the show started. We were going to get something to eat, but the lineup for that was even longer so we went back to the car.
Today we bought something that will make our drives a lot nicer. One thing we do not like about living here is that the radio station(s) are terrible. There is one good one and it only plays good music about a quarter of the time. It plays bingo. I mean really...bingo? So we've been looking into getting satellite radio. So we found one on sale but they were out, so we went to Wal-Mart and they pricematched it so we now have it. Yeah! We bought Sirius Radio and guess what? It has a bluegrass channel! Yeah! Now we can listen to good music. This will make the drive down South so much better. There is a stretch of the road where there is no reception of radio of any kind. Now we will always have radio, and good tunes and no commercials.
So that's what we did today. Mark had planned to go fishing tonight but it's raining and altogether not a nice day. There's always tomorrow.
For those who want to be Bear Smart, here is a link to the official bear site. Mark was quizzing me on what to do so now I can go to the bush and not worry. Plus, I can still see the city from where I go so no bears are going to go that close and hey, information is power right? Right.
Today we bought something that will make our drives a lot nicer. One thing we do not like about living here is that the radio station(s) are terrible. There is one good one and it only plays good music about a quarter of the time. It plays bingo. I mean really...bingo? So we've been looking into getting satellite radio. So we found one on sale but they were out, so we went to Wal-Mart and they pricematched it so we now have it. Yeah! We bought Sirius Radio and guess what? It has a bluegrass channel! Yeah! Now we can listen to good music. This will make the drive down South so much better. There is a stretch of the road where there is no reception of radio of any kind. Now we will always have radio, and good tunes and no commercials.
So that's what we did today. Mark had planned to go fishing tonight but it's raining and altogether not a nice day. There's always tomorrow.
For those who want to be Bear Smart, here is a link to the official bear site. Mark was quizzing me on what to do so now I can go to the bush and not worry. Plus, I can still see the city from where I go so no bears are going to go that close and hey, information is power right? Right.