Random Rant
A few things that have bothered me lately...
1) There is a commercial for Oil of Olay Body Ribbons Body Wash claims that the body wash has an actual ribbon of real moisture. What the heck does that mean? It's wet, of course it has moisture in it. So does water. So what are they claiming? That their product is wet? Great! Wonderful! What a joke.
2) Big, dark, scary clouds that don't do anything. Those few drops that hit us today was all that those dark clouds held. They were great clouds, dark grey and dark blue just ready to explode in thunder and lightning and a downfall. And what do I get get? Nothing. Now the sky is blue and everything is great. I should be happy but for some reason I feel jipped.

3) I am reading my Anne of Green Gables books (again). But I noticed something when I was looking online a few days ago. I am interested in buying the complete series. I have two books and that have two books each. The first has Anne of Green Gable and Anne of Avonlea. The second has Anne of the Island and Anne's House of Dreams.
I was looking for which ones I need to buy when I came across something that shocked me. My second book skipped over a book. I was under the assumption that my books went in order when in fact, after Anne of the Island it's Anne of Windy Willows/Poplars and then Anne's House of Dreams. I was thinking that it was a little strange because the movie has this whole thing with Anne in a different town being a principal and the mean girls she has to teach. Well, Anne of Windy Poplars is all about that. And at the end of Anne of the Island, Anne gets engaged and at the beginning of Anne's House of Dreams, they get married and someone mentions how long their engagement was. Yeah, a whole book long... that they skipped.
And that's how it should go. I'm going to the library and get out the missed book. Then just before we take our trip down South, I'll get out the rest so I can read them in the car. It's a long drive, I'm sure I'll get through then all. As long as I get my hands on all of them.
Well, that's enough ranting for one day. I think I got it all out of my system. I'm really just mad because after all these years, I never realized that I was missing a book. Makes me feel a little foolish.
1) There is a commercial for Oil of Olay Body Ribbons Body Wash claims that the body wash has an actual ribbon of real moisture. What the heck does that mean? It's wet, of course it has moisture in it. So does water. So what are they claiming? That their product is wet? Great! Wonderful! What a joke.

3) I am reading my Anne of Green Gables books (again). But I noticed something when I was looking online a few days ago. I am interested in buying the complete series. I have two books and that have two books each. The first has Anne of Green Gable and Anne of Avonlea. The second has Anne of the Island and Anne's House of Dreams.
I was looking for which ones I need to buy when I came across something that shocked me. My second book skipped over a book. I was under the assumption that my books went in order when in fact, after Anne of the Island it's Anne of Windy Willows/Poplars and then Anne's House of Dreams. I was thinking that it was a little strange because the movie has this whole thing with Anne in a different town being a principal and the mean girls she has to teach. Well, Anne of Windy Poplars is all about that. And at the end of Anne of the Island, Anne gets engaged and at the beginning of Anne's House of Dreams, they get married and someone mentions how long their engagement was. Yeah, a whole book long... that they skipped.

Well, that's enough ranting for one day. I think I got it all out of my system. I'm really just mad because after all these years, I never realized that I was missing a book. Makes me feel a little foolish.