
I made muffins today. Pretty good if you ask me (or Mark). I had taken them out of the oven and told Mark not o touch them because they are too hot. I told him I was going to go and have a shower and by that time, they'd be cooled of enough to eat. So, I got out and went to get some muffins for us to eat. I decided to eat one first and then take one down for Mark. Well, when I threw my paper away, there was already one in the garbage! He didn't wait! Well, I confronted him and was so cute and asked for another so of course I had to. It just means that he likes them and who could be mad at that? I should go out later today and get some more blueberries. I didn't use as many as the recipe called for. I think it's because the ones you buy at the store are bigger and so you have to use more for it to look right, but mine are so small that after one cup, it looked like so many! There is still some left but I want more! I'm going to freeze some for the winter and we can have muffins year round.

If I'm going to pick berries I should go now. The baseball game is going to be on in a few hours and I want to see this new player. I doubt he'll play cuz he just got here, but hey, I'm sure there will be a lot of talk. Accardo


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