Never enough
There's something about me that makes it impossible for me to be fully satisfied in anything I do. I constantly want to make it bigger and better. That's why I am a terrible painter. I can't stop and let it be. I always have to do one more brush and then I ruin it. Well, I guess blogging is the same way. I am determined to have the best template (wallpaper) there is. There are so many out there and many you have to pay for, which I refuse to do. Anyway, this particular template is the same one as one of my friends and I don't like having the same as someone else. But it's the best I could find. I might leave it like this or change it again someday. You just have to keep checking back. It's kinda hard to change templates cuz you have to go into the html code and change links and pictures around and I'm still not very good at reading html. It's basically trial and error. You should have seen my profile picture when I started out. It was twice as big and only the left half. It took about and half an hour to get the setting changed so they look right. Well, enjoy the Blog for now, who knows when it may change again!