Rain schmain

Well, what did I say...it started raining so everyone packed up, threw the tarp over the roof and headed home. Then about an hour later, blue skies all around. So, the next thing I know, there are people walking around on the roof. Well, they get one half of the roof done and it's quitting time. They placed the tarp over the unfinished part and good thing too. When the roofer showed up so did the clouds. It's thundering and a light rain is falling. Will it ever end? They are coming back tomorrow at 7:30 am to finish. Oh joy!

I didn't go blueberry picking today. I sat around and watched TV and played on the computer and read Little House on the Prairie. Mark played hockey (on Game Cube). He's in the playoffs. I guess that easy enough if you have it set on easy and you beat every team by a margin of 10 every game. And if, by some weird chance, you do lose, you just don't save the game. He says the playoff games are harder than the regular season games. Well, good luck to him, I'm sure he'll win. He was saying earlier, just after we finished supper that he had an ice cream shaped hole in his stomach. I think I do to, so I'm going to go get some ice cream for us. Have a good evening, and stay dry.


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