A Clear View

Yesterday Mark phoned Manitoba Hydro because we have three big trees in our front yard that all have large branches that hang over the wires. We just wanted to know if it was safe and if not, could they come and remove the branches. So this morning we're downstairs watching TV when we hear the sound of a chainsaw. I guess the branches were a problem. So now we have a better view out our window. But now we're going to have to get some blinds!

Mark is out fishing with one of his buddies. Good luck to them, I need more fish. So that means I'm alone. So I called my folks, watched the ballgame and hung out with Deeds. Not too bad of an evening. I might have some ice cream later. You just never know what wild and crazy thing I may think of next. For the time being, I'm listening to music and entertaining myself on the internet. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their evenings


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