Volume 9

Friday 12:30pm
We just finished lunch. Len, Marj and Carolyn were held up at the passport office in Regina. Wait, that sounds bad. It's just that it took them longer than they expected. Not longer than Mark expected, he knew better. Anyway, Marj phoned to make sure we'd make lunch. So we made some soup, heated up some leftover lasagna and put some bread on the table. All in all, I say it went well. We all ate anyway. And we're all full so I guess that means that we met our objective. Success. Now we're just relaxing. We'll have to pack up the truck soon. We're leaving early tomorrow morning. Not as early as Mark's grandparents and Carolyn. Their flight is at 6:30am. So with all the driving time and time for security, they are getting up just after 4:00am! Yikes. We'll say goodbye to them tonight.

Saturday 1:37pm
So last night was our last evening together. We watched Inside Man. I was a little disappointed. I was expecting more. We said our goodbyes then. I did wake up when they left, but I didn't leave my comfy bed. Mark got up around 6:00am. I guess he couldn't sleep. I could. He got me up not too long after that. We had a good breakfast. Marj made an omelet and perogies and farmer sausage. Then we packed up the rest of the truck. It's full. I can't believe how much stuff we're taking back. The cab is stuffed too. I want to take a picture of the truck full like this but Mark thinks it's a silly idea. We'll see who wins. It will be enough work to unload, maybe I'll lose interest.

Well, anyway, we said our goodbyes and were on the road. Mark drove and we stopped just after Imperial to check the cargo and switch drivers. We stopped again in Watrous to let me have a bathroom break and once more later on the side of the road to let Dee Dee throw up. I was petting her neck as I drove and I could feel her gagging. She usually does it for awhile before anything comes up. So I hit the brakes and headed for the shoulder. Mark put the garbage bag over her mouth and managed to catch a bit before we could drag her out of the truck. So now the garbage bag is garbage. How ironic. We made it to P.A. after all that. We filed up with gas and when I started the truck back up, the engine oil light came on. Mark checked it and it was almost gone. He filled it up and kept driving but it's still bugging him. Where did the oil go? There was no leak and we stopped a couple times to check the oil again, and it's good. When we checked in Smeaton, Mark took back driving duties. So now we're only a few hours from home. There are a lot of truck parked in the ditch all over the highway. Mark said that they are hunters scouting before the season begins. Makes sense.

Remember that bridge I was so scared of just outside St. Louis? Well, this time when we went drove over, I was the one driving. So I couldn't close my eyes. Mark said I had white knuckles the whole length of the bridge. I hate that bridge.

I'm seeing more and more lakes. We're getting closer. I was worried that living here would make me think that prairies were boring. But nope, I still it's beautiful. And then staying down in the prairies would make me hate trees again. But nope, it's still beautiful too. I guess it doesn't have to be one over the other. I can have the best of both worlds.

When we drove back to Moose Jaw from Swift Current, a semi passed us and threw a rock into our windshield. Mark got it fixed right away but now I'm scared of every semi that drives past.

Finished unloading the truck around 7:00pm. I forgot all about taking the picture. Next time. No, forget that, I don't want to do that again! It's a good thing I do so much fishing or I'd have no muscles to carry that china cabinet into the house. When we got back, we were expecting a stack of bills. We were a little wary of that because Mark was not getting paid over the summer and we just took a long road trip with a truck. And we didn't think Mark would get paid until mid-September. We had it planned out that we could afford it but it was getting tight by the end of our little holiday. However, when we got home, there was only one bill. It was a small one from the phone and although it was late, it's not too bad. And with the mail, was paycheque for Mark. What an answer to prayer. I guess it's true what the pastors say. Give your financial worries to God and He will take care of you. He will be your provider. It wasn't like we were going to be bankrupt or anything like that, but I was getting more concerned. Now, all our worries are gone. Yeah! Now we can pay off the mastercard when it comes with all our gas bills on it! Boo. So now I'm going to go to bed. I'm tired and my leg hurts. So ends the Vacation Volume. I hope you enjoyed it. We sure did.


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