Thunder and Lightning
We woke up at just after 7 am to a loud crash and blinding lightning. I honestly thought it had hit the house or a lamppost and it had exploded. It was just so loud. It poured after that. So all day it has been thundering and pouring. It did stop just after lunch so I ran some errands. When I got back, it was worse. Rain poured down and raced down the streets with louder and louder thunder and brighter lightning. It was never as close as it was in the early morning. The thunder and lightning came at the same time and I don't remember ever hearing it at the same time before. It seems to have calmed down now. That is very nice. Maybe I'll have enough peace for this headache to go away. I had it since I woke up at it hasn't left yet. Everytime I stand up, it throbs. If I just sit or lay down then I'm okay, but walking around hurts. Mark sent me to bed and made me some ice cream. It was very nice of him to take care of me like that. He had to cuddle me when I got scared from all the thunder. My hero.