To the dump to the dump to the dump dump dump
Not too long after I posted my last entry, Mark and Mike came home. With no fish. But an idea. Let's go for wings! Yeah! So we went to the local sportsbar and ate wings and watched the rest of the baseball game. I got to drive the truck. It's my first time so I was a little nervous but it was fun. I like driving the truck.
Today we finished off the rocks in the yard. Now our yard is rock free. It rained just after we finished. It was a short rain so we took the rocks and branches from the day before to the dump. (cue William Tell Overture) It smells bad there, not the usual dump smell but still nasty. There was a fire going and that's where we dumped the branches. It was hard work getting the rocks out of the back of the truck. We had loaded them onto a tarp but when we tried to left the tarp, it ripped and no rocks even moved. So we shoveled and raked the rocks out. It was hard and the rocks on the bottom were wet so they were heavy. It started to rain lightly again but it felt really nice so I didn't mind. We finally finished and went home. Now we're taking it easy. We're both kinda tired. But the yard looks better and we no longer have a rock pile in the back of the truck.
Today we finished off the rocks in the yard. Now our yard is rock free. It rained just after we finished. It was a short rain so we took the rocks and branches from the day before to the dump. (cue William Tell Overture) It smells bad there, not the usual dump smell but still nasty. There was a fire going and that's where we dumped the branches. It was hard work getting the rocks out of the back of the truck. We had loaded them onto a tarp but when we tried to left the tarp, it ripped and no rocks even moved. So we shoveled and raked the rocks out. It was hard and the rocks on the bottom were wet so they were heavy. It started to rain lightly again but it felt really nice so I didn't mind. We finally finished and went home. Now we're taking it easy. We're both kinda tired. But the yard looks better and we no longer have a rock pile in the back of the truck.