...and other dreams
There is an old joke about a man obsessed with finding the world's best Bavarian creme pie. He travels to the finest bakeries in Vienna, Salzburg and throughout the Black Forest--but to no avail. Finally, as an elderly man, he learns about a legendary baker who can be found at the top of the highest mountain in the Alps. He scales the mountain and, exhausted, reaches the summit where there is a small shack; from it comes the most fragrant smell of Bavarian creme pie the man has ever experienced. He approaches the master baker (quite an old man himself) and says, "Please, kind sir, I have searched all of my life for a spoonful of your Bavarian creme pie." The old baker, somewhat astonished, apologetically replies, "I am sorry, but I have just sold my last piece." Devastated from the news and realizing that his life's ambition will go unfulfilled, the man pauses...and then says, "OK. I'll take apple."
I got up a little earlier today, not as early as I had planned, but earlier than usual. I had some things to do. We went shopping and in the parking lot, we ran into the guy that sold us the truck and currently has it in The Pas for fix-up. We asked him if it was ready, and he said yes! Yeah. So we said why don't we just drive the courtesy car there and pick up the truck ourselves. This way, we get out of the city and see The Pas for ourselves. We'll make it a date, supper and everything. Well, it was just after noon so a whole day was a little ambitious but still. So we drove to The Pas. It rained off and on the way there. But we made it and found the truck. We picked it up no problem. So we decide to drive around The Pas to see if there is anything to do. I knew there were a couple malls but we could only find one and it didn't look too appealing. But there was a Tim Horton's. We were excited about this. I was going to get a donut and Mark had been craving an ice cap since we moved. So we walking in all happy. We had realized that The Pas is not a great spot for a little holiday, even if it was only an afternoon and were hoping Tim Horton's could salvage the town. So Mark orders a dozen donuts and a large ice cap. Oh no, the machine is being cleaned so no ice caps. Fine, so only donuts. We get a dozen and I go to pay with debit. Oh no, they don't take debit. I have enough cash for half dozen donuts so we ate them on the way home. At least we got the truck. Oh yeah, it poured the way home.