Dog Fishing

Well, today we went fishing again. But this time we took Dee Dee! She did pretty well. She didn't want to jump in the water so that was good. She was a little nervous but someone had told Mark to put carpet on the bottom of the boat. That way the dog has something to grip in case she gets scared. Well, it worked. Dee Dee just sat and watched us fish. When he drove around, she would lay down. As for the actual fishing. It went okay. I caught two and Mark caught one. We decided that we wouldn't take home any Jack cuz we have enough in the fridge. Unfortunately, that's all we caught so we came home empty-handed. Oh well, still was fun.
Hope everyone likes the new Blog. I'm getting the hang of it now. It took me a long time to figure out how to put my picture on the page. It's one that Mark took during his photography class. I really like it. Posting pictures from now on will be a lot easier than it was on the old site. Well, enjoy!


Anonymous said…
Emily is HOT!!!!

Love Mark
Anonymous said…
Emily is HOT!!!

Love Mark
Tara said…
I love that I can now read your blog and comment on it so we can talk like everyday!!!! if I can get on the computer
Carolyn said…

Good job! The new blog looks awesome. I love the colours. You're doing better than me - I never did figure out how to put my picture in the corner.

Take care!

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